No Failure Is To Great

Few failures are as well known as that of Anakin Skywalker, or as he is better known, Darth Vader. Failure – it is something every person, even kids, must deal with. The question is, how will we help them walk through it and ultimately overcome it?

"Only Different In Your Mind" - Problems That Seem Too Big

You are on an overgrown, swamp planet. Creatures of all kind are surrounding you. Something just tried to eat your droid, and to top it all off, your ship is stuck in a giant mud puddle. What is an aspiring young Jedi to do?

Facing Your Fears, Even In A Dark Cave

The cave was cold, it was dark, and it held a secret. Luke could not ignore it. Yet as unsettling as it was, Luke had to face his fear. Our kids must do the same thing. What will you do to help?

Even Star Wars Has Bullies

Do you ever feel like you have reached your limit? Ever feel like you have been pushed around long enough? Sometimes we all reach that point in life, even our children. So how do we help them when faced with this challenge?

I Will Do What I Must

Are you willing to do what you must, when you know it is right? Being a loner isn’t always easy, and standing alone for what you believe is often even harder. One of my favorite characters in the Prequel Trilogy is Qui-gon Jinn. In spite of the fact that he is part of the Jedi order, it quickly becomes apparent that he has his own way of doing things. This often puts him at odds with his Jedi brothers, and even others around him. Very quickly in the first movie, we see he blazes his own trail.

Courage, No Matter What The Odds

Dan Rather once said, “Courage is being afraid, but going on anyhow.” In life, we all are faced with circumstances that test ...